Although both, if made correctly, are healthy options, we believe that smoothies are healthier than fruit or vegetable juices. When juices are extracted from fruits or vegetables, you get vitamins and minerals, but no fibers. Smoothies on the other hand are made from whole fruit and vegetables (sometime including the peel), so you get to enjoy the important benefits of the fibers as well. This keeps your digestive tract healthy, slows down the absorption of sugar and keeps you full for longer stretches of time. 

Smoothies also maintain their nutritional value longer than juices. Smoothies can stay in the freezer for up to three months while a juice’s shelf life is approximately 72 hours after juicing, if stored correctly and no preservatives are added. Studies show that as soon as three days after being picked, many fruits and vegetables lose a significant number of their nutrients when they are on the shelf and not frozen.

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